Friday, September 11, 2009

**~Live, Laugh, Love**~

If i had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosphy on life it would be "Live, Laugh, and Love". I chose this slogan because it represents how everyone should live and not take life so seriously. For example, going out and having a good time,traveling, and not letting anything get to you. i beleive this phrase "Live, laugh, and love" is universal.
Laughing is universal as well. This act applies to me especially necause i love to laugh. i try to laugh as often as i can and i beleive everyone should laugh every chance they get. Laughing is very healthy. If we all laughed as much as we could, the world would be such a better place and full of welcoming smiles.
Love is the most powerful and significant action of my slogan. I try to love everyone for who they are. I beleive there is good even in the worst people and I stand by this. If everyone loved everyone there would be no need for war or violence. My phrase for my bumber sticker is very meaningful and it relates and applies to everyone. :)